ABOUT Mountain Pacific Roofing

We understand how daunting looking for a contractor can be, however, that's the first step in the right direction. When you choose a contractor you have to be sure that you are selecting someone who prides himself from every work, every single installation. It has to be someone who will stand behind his work with a rock-solid warranty.

Someone that can guarantee the integrity of your home a person or team that can ensure wonderful results. And here, at Mountain Pacific Roofing we can provide you all that and much more. Just call us today and schedule an appointment to get a free estimate, and let us show you how rewarding hiring an outstanding quality contractor can be.

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Our Company

Mountain Pacific Roofing Inc. is a family owned, residential & commercial roofing company located in West Covina, CA. Our main goal is to provide our customers with a full variety of roofing services for commercial, industrial, residential, and new construction projects. Our professional team has the commitment to deliver a great quality service ensuring outstanding results.

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Trust Us With Your Next Project

Mountain Pacific Roofing Inc. is dedicated to making sure our customers are happy with our Roofing Repair services. We always do everything we can to ensure the best for our customers! It can be hard knowing what businesses you can really put your trust in. At Mountain Pacific Roofing Inc., we aim to change that with our superior services. Call us today to learn more at (626) 364-9844!

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